Capture Status Recovery fields

The Recovery section of the Capture Status page contains the latest status and results of the auto reconciliation call recovery process.

The Capture Status report showing the status of call recovery process run for Amazon Connect.

  • Name: The name of the adapter for which the process was run.
  • Request ID: The unique identifier for this process.

  • Mode: The way the recovery process was run.

    •  Manual indicates that a user or an API request initiated the process.

    • Automatic indicates that the system initiated the process.

  • Status: The status of the process can be one of the following:

    • In progress: The process is running.

    • Complete: The process finished running.

    • Stopped: The process stopped running because the adapter or a required service became unavailable. This occurs when a user shuts down or restarts a system.

    • Failed: The process could not start because the adapter or a required service was unavailable.

  • Missed Calls Detected: The number of calls found on Amazon Connect but not found on the Verint Recorder.

  • Missed Calls Processed: The number of missed calls that are processed by Verint Interaction Capture service. This information can be helpful if the recovery process stopped or failed.

  • Missed Calls Recovered: The number of calls recovered for the selected recovery period. The process ignores calls that are already ingested or could not be recorded (such as "agent not recordable").

  • Execution Time: Date and time the process started running.

  • Start time and End time: The recovery period selected to recover calls.

Verify call recovery status

Workflow: Configure and run call recovery

View Recorder capture status (Recorder Configuration and Administration Guide)